

关于他的出身,人们知之甚少。他的出生年份也不确定,从 1276 年到 1267 年不等,这取决于参考的是乔尔乔·瓦萨里的《人物生平》还是安东尼奥·普奇的《百人录》。根据吉贝尔蒂的证词,瓦萨里本人告诉我们,乔托出生于穆杰罗,是大师契马布埃最好的学生。






1334 年,乔托被任命为大教堂的工程总监,并开始建造钟楼。这座钟楼虽然是由他的继任者安德烈亚·皮萨诺 (Andrea Pisano) 和弗朗西斯科·塔伦蒂 (Francesco Talenti) 完成的,但至今仍以他的名字命名,代表了佛罗伦萨哥特式建筑中最重要的作品。


Giotto’s Bell Tower Photos- The Campanile, or Bell Tower is part of the Duomo complex, which includes the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) and the Baptistery
Giotto’s Bell Tower Photos- The Campanile, or Bell Tower is part of the Duomo complex, which includes the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) and the Baptistery
Giotto’s Bell Tower Photos- The Campanile, or Bell Tower is part of the Duomo complex, which includes the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) and the Baptistery
Giotto’s Bell Tower Photos- The Campanile, or Bell Tower is part of the Duomo complex, which includes the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) and the Baptistery
Giotto’s Bell Tower Photos- The Campanile, or Bell Tower is part of the Duomo complex, which includes the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) and the Baptistery
Giotto’s Bell Tower Photos- The Campanile, or Bell Tower is part of the Duomo complex, which includes the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo) and the Baptistery